fitroom.grid3x3_tool module

Created on Thu Aug 3 16:22:30 2017

@author: erwan

Tool to plot on 9 graphes along 2 axes (2 conditions)

class Grid3x3(slbInteractx=None, slbInteracty=None, xparam='', yparam='', plotquantity='radiance', unit='mW/cm2/sr/nm', wunit='nm', normalizer=None, s_exp=None)[source]

Bases: object

Where the output of a CaseSelector is shown.


See also

CaseSelector, MultiSlabPlot, SlabsConfigSolver, Overpopulator, FitRoom, SlitTool, When, use, plot_for_export()

calc_case(i, j, **slabsconfig)[source]

notice j, i and not i, j i is y, j is x? or the other way round. It’s always complicated with indexes anyway… (y goes up but j goes down) you see what i mean it works, anyway


Triggered on connection to FitRoom

format_coord(x, y)[source]
plot_3times3(xspace=None, yspace=None)[source]
plot_all_slabs(s, slabs)[source]
plot_case(i, j, ax_out=None, plot_all_labels=False, **slabsconfig)[source]

notice j, i and not i, j i is y, j is x? or the other way round. It’s always complicated with indexes anyway… (y goes up but j goes down) you see what i mean it works, anyway

Other Parameters
  • ax_out (ax) – if None, plot to the GridTool. Else, plot to this ax (used for export)

  • plot_all_labels (bool) – force plot all labels

plot_for_export(style='origin', cases=[], ls='-', lw=1, xlim=None, ylim=None, labelvar='xy', color=None, labelunit='K', cutwings=0, kwargs_exp={})[source]

Sum all center column in one case.

  • cases (list) – list of [(row, column)] to plot. If None or [], use a vertical line, i.e.

    cases=[(1,1), (0,1), (2,1)]
  • ls (str (‘-’, ‘-.’, etc.), list, or dict) – if str, use the same. If list, rotate. If dict, use cases as keys.

    the first one is plot in solid line, the others in alternate with ‘-.’, ‘:’, ‘-.’

Other Parameters
  • labelvar (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘xy’) – which variable to add. default ‘xy’ Ex:

    Tvib=, Trot=
  • cutwings – see plot_stack()

  • kwargs_exp (dict) – parameters forwarded to plot_stack to plot the experiment

plot_for_export_1times3(cases=[], ls='-', lw=1, xlim=None, ylim=None, labelvar='xy', color=None, labelunit='K', cutwings=0, kwargs_exp={})[source]

See also


update_markers(fconfig, i, j)[source]