Use Fitroom with on-the-fly calculated spectra

Compare experimental spectrum to a combination of precomputed spectra powered by the RADIS SpecDatabase class


Functions to build a 2D, multislabs fitting room with a pure Python (Matplotlib) interface that displays:

  • CaseSelectora window to select conditions along two axis (to calculate, or retrieve

    from a database)

  • Grid3x3 : a window to plot 9 spectra corresponding to left, right and center conditions

  • MultiSlabPlot : a window to decompose the center slab along the different slabs

This example calculates spectra on-fly.

Calculated spectra are stored in a “HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database” folder to be re-used, using the init_database() method of SpectrumFactory

import warnings
from radis.los.slabs import SerialSlabs#, MergeSlabs
from radis.test.utils import setup_test_line_databases
import numpy as np
from numpy import linspace
from fitroom import CaseSelector
from fitroom import Grid3x3
from fitroom import MultiSlabPlot
from fitroom import SlabsConfigSolver
from fitroom import FitRoom
from fitroom import SlitTool
#from import Normalizer
from radis import SpectrumFactory
from radis import Spectrum
from os.path import join, dirname

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.ion()   # interactive mode; do not block figures

TEST_FOLDER_PATH = dirname(".")

def getTestFile(file):
    ''' Return the full path of a test file. Used by test functions not to
    worry about the project architecture'''

    return join(TEST_FOLDER_PATH, file)

wav_min = 4165
wav_max = 4200

setup_test_line_databases()  # registers "HITRAN-CO2-TEST" for this example

sf2 = SpectrumFactory(wavelength_min=wav_min,
                      isotope=[1, 2],


Added HITRAN-CO2-TEST database in /home/docs/radis.json
Added HITRAN-CO-TEST database in /home/docs/radis.json
Added HITEMP-CO2-TEST database in /home/docs/radis.json
Added HITEMP-CO2-HAMIL-TEST database in /home/docs/radis.json
Using database: HITRAN-CO2-TEST
{'info': 'HITRAN 2016 database, CO2, 1 main isotope (CO2-626), bandhead: 2380-2398 cm-1 (4165-4200 nm)', 'path': ['/home/docs/checkouts/'], 'format': 'hitran', 'parfuncfmt': 'hapi', 'levelsfmt': 'radis'}

Generating cache file /home/docs/checkouts/ with metadata :
{'last_modification': 'Sat Oct  2 15:30:33 2021', 'wavenum_min': 2380.019436, 'wavenum_max': 2399.965532}

Reference databank (2380.31-2399.97cm-1) has 0 lines in range (2380.30-2400.31cm-1) for isotope 2. Change your range or isotope options

/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Reference databank (2380.31-2399.97cm-1) has 0 lines in range (2380.30-2400.31cm-1) for isotope 2. Change your range or isotope options
HAPI version:
To get the most up-to-date version please check
ATTENTION: Python versions of partition sums from TIPS-2021 are now available in HAPI code

           MIT license: Copyright 2021 HITRAN team, see more at

           If you use HAPI in your research or software development,
           please cite it using the following reference:
           R.V. Kochanov, I.E. Gordon, L.S. Rothman, P. Wcislo, C. Hill, J.S. Wilzewski,
           HITRAN Application Programming Interface (HAPI): A comprehensive approach
           to working with spectroscopic data, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 177, 15-30 (2016)
           DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2016.03.005

           ATTENTION: This is the core version of the HITRAN Application Programming Interface.
                      For more efficient implementation of the absorption coefficient routine,
                      as well as for new profiles, parameters and other functional,
                      please consider using HAPI2 extension library.
                      HAPI2 package is available at

Database HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database initialised in
*** Loading the database with 1 processor (0 files)***

< object at 0x7f662e76fb50>
slbPlasmaCO2 = {'factory': sf2,
                'Tgas': 1500,
                #         'Tvib':1100,
                #         'Trot':1200,
                'path_length': 0.02,
                'mole_fraction': 0.6,

slbPostCO2 = {'factory': sf2,
              'Tgas': 350,
              'path_length': 0.7,
              #'mole_fraction':DynVar('sPlasmaCO2', 'mole_fraction'),
              # TODO: line above doesnt work with precompute residual. Fix it!
              'mole_fraction': 1,

slbRoomCO2 = {'factory': sf2,
              'Tgas': 300,
              'path_length': 373,  # cm
              'mole_fraction': 400e-6,

Slablist = {'sPlasmaCO2': slbPlasmaCO2,
            'sPostCO2': slbPostCO2,
            'sRoomCO2': slbRoomCO2}

def config(**slabs):
    ''' args must correspond to slablist. Indexes and order is important '''
    return SerialSlabs(slabs['sPlasmaCO2'], slabs['sPostCO2'], slabs['sRoomCO2'])

# Sensibility analysis

slbInteractx = 'sPlasmaCO2'
xparam = 'Tgas'
slbInteracty = 'sPlasmaCO2'
yparam = 'mole_fraction'
xstep = 0.2
ystep = 0.2

# Slit
slit = (1.63, 2.33)

# what to plot: 'radiance' or 'transmittance'
plotquantity = 'radiance'
unit = 'mW/cm2/sr/nm'
wunit = 'nm'
#unit = 'default'

s_exp = Spectrum.from_txt(getTestFile(r"measured_co2_bandhead_10kHz_30us.txt"),
                          quantity=plotquantity, wunit=wunit, unit=unit,
                          conditions={'medium': 'air'}).offset(-0.5, 'nm')
normalizer = None  # Normalizer(4173, 4180, how='mean')

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Using default event loop until function specific" +
                        "to this GUI is implemented")

fitroom = FitRoom(Slablist, slbInteractx, slbInteracty, xparam, yparam)

solver = SlabsConfigSolver(config=config, source='calculate',
                           plotquantity=plotquantity, unit=unit,
gridTool = Grid3x3(slbInteractx=slbInteractx, slbInteracty=slbInteracty,
                   xparam=xparam, yparam=yparam,
                   plotquantity=plotquantity, unit=unit,
slabsTool = MultiSlabPlot(plotquantity=plotquantity, unit=unit,
selectTool = CaseSelector(xparam=xparam, yparam=yparam,
                          slbInteractx=slbInteractx, slbInteracty=slbInteracty,
slitTool = SlitTool('nm')  # getTestFile('slitfunction.txt'))


# Map x, y
# -----------
xvar = Slablist[slbInteractx][xparam]
yvar = Slablist[slbInteracty][yparam]

xspace = linspace(xvar*(1-xstep), xvar*(1+xstep), 3)
yspace = linspace(yvar*(1+ystep), yvar*(1-ystep), 3)

gridTool.plot_3times3(xspace, yspace)


select_xspace = (xspace.min()*0.9, xspace.max()*1.1)
select_yspace = (yspace.min()*0.9, yspace.max()*1.1)*select_xspace)*select_yspace)

# Precompute residual for all points
# --------------

selectTool.precompute_residual(Slablist, # plotquantity='radiance',
                               xspace=np.linspace(300, 2000, 3),
                               yspace=np.linspace(0, 1, 3))
  • plot onfly calculation spectra
  • sPlasmaCO2 - path_length:0.02 || sPostCO2 - Tgas:350 path_length:0.7 mole_fraction:1 || sRoomCO2 - Tgas:300 path_length:373 mole_fraction:0.0004, Tgas 1200.0, Tgas 1500.0, Tgas 1800.0
  • plot onfly calculation spectra
  • FWHM 1.97nm, effective 1.98nm


/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Attempting to set identical left == right == 0 results in singular transformations; automatically expanding.
  ax.set_xlim((xmin, xmax))
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Attempting to set identical bottom == top == 0 results in singular transformations; automatically expanding.
  ax.set_ylim((ymin, ymax))
Adding SlabsConfigSolver
Adding Grid3x3
Adding MultiSlabPlot
Adding CaseSelector
/home/docs/checkouts/ HighTemperatureWarning: HITRAN is valid for low temperatures (typically < 700 K). For higher temperatures you may need HITEMP or CDSD. See the 'databank=' parameter
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Empty database
  warn("Empty database")
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 1200.0 K
   Trot                 1200.0 K
   Tvib                 1200.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        0.48
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          None
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         -1
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: json-tricks: numpy scalar serialization is experimental and may work differently in future versions
  warnings.warn('json-tricks: numpy scalar serialization is experimental and may work differently in future versions')
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib1200K_Trot1200K.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib1200K_Trot1200K.spec
0.06s - Spectrum calculated
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 350 K
   Trot                 350 K
   Tvib                 350 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        1
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.7 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib350K_Trot350K.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib350K_Trot350K.spec
0.05s - Spectrum calculated
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 300 K
   Trot                 300 K
   Tvib                 300 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        0.0004
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          373 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib300K_Trot300K.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib300K_Trot300K.spec
0.05s - Spectrum calculated
/home/docs/checkouts/ HighTemperatureWarning: HITRAN is valid for low temperatures (typically < 700 K). For higher temperatures you may need HITEMP or CDSD. See the 'databank=' parameter
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 1200.0 K
   Trot                 1200.0 K
   Tvib                 1200.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        0.6
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Warning. File already exists. Filename is incremented
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib1200K_Trot1200K_1.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib1200K_Trot1200K_1.spec
0.06s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!
/home/docs/checkouts/ HighTemperatureWarning: HITRAN is valid for low temperatures (typically < 700 K). For higher temperatures you may need HITEMP or CDSD. See the 'databank=' parameter
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 1200.0 K
   Trot                 1200.0 K
   Tvib                 1200.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        0.72
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Warning. File already exists. Filename is incremented
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib1200K_Trot1200K_2.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib1200K_Trot1200K_2.spec
0.05s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!
/home/docs/checkouts/ HighTemperatureWarning: HITRAN is valid for low temperatures (typically < 700 K). For higher temperatures you may need HITEMP or CDSD. See the 'databank=' parameter
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 1500.0 K
   Trot                 1500.0 K
   Tvib                 1500.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        0.48
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib1500K_Trot1500K.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib1500K_Trot1500K.spec
0.05s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!
/home/docs/checkouts/ HighTemperatureWarning: HITRAN is valid for low temperatures (typically < 700 K). For higher temperatures you may need HITEMP or CDSD. See the 'databank=' parameter
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 1500.0 K
   Trot                 1500.0 K
   Tvib                 1500.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        0.6
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Warning. File already exists. Filename is incremented
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib1500K_Trot1500K_1.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib1500K_Trot1500K_1.spec
0.05s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!
/home/docs/checkouts/ HighTemperatureWarning: HITRAN is valid for low temperatures (typically < 700 K). For higher temperatures you may need HITEMP or CDSD. See the 'databank=' parameter
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 1500.0 K
   Trot                 1500.0 K
   Tvib                 1500.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        0.72
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Warning. File already exists. Filename is incremented
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib1500K_Trot1500K_2.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib1500K_Trot1500K_2.spec
0.06s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!
/home/docs/checkouts/ HighTemperatureWarning: HITRAN is valid for low temperatures (typically < 700 K). For higher temperatures you may need HITEMP or CDSD. See the 'databank=' parameter
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 1800.0 K
   Trot                 1800.0 K
   Tvib                 1800.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        0.48
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib1800K_Trot1800K.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib1800K_Trot1800K.spec
0.05s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!
/home/docs/checkouts/ HighTemperatureWarning: HITRAN is valid for low temperatures (typically < 700 K). For higher temperatures you may need HITEMP or CDSD. See the 'databank=' parameter
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 1800.0 K
   Trot                 1800.0 K
   Tvib                 1800.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        0.6
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Warning. File already exists. Filename is incremented
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib1800K_Trot1800K_1.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib1800K_Trot1800K_1.spec
0.05s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!
/home/docs/checkouts/ HighTemperatureWarning: HITRAN is valid for low temperatures (typically < 700 K). For higher temperatures you may need HITEMP or CDSD. See the 'databank=' parameter
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 1800.0 K
   Trot                 1800.0 K
   Tvib                 1800.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        0.72
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Warning. File already exists. Filename is incremented
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib1800K_Trot1800K_2.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib1800K_Trot1800K_2.spec
0.05s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!
Adding SlitTool
/home/docs/checkouts/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
  if xspace == 'database':
/home/docs/checkouts/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
  if yspace == 'database':

(0s)    0.0%    No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 300.0 K
   Trot                 300.0 K
   Tvib                 300.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        0.0
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Warning. File already exists. Filename is incremented
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib300K_Trot300K_1.spec (0.0Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib300K_Trot300K_1.spec
0.04s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 300.0 K
   Trot                 300.0 K
   Tvib                 300.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        0.5
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Warning. File already exists. Filename is incremented
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib300K_Trot300K_2.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib300K_Trot300K_2.spec
0.05s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 300.0 K
   Trot                 300.0 K
   Tvib                 300.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        1.0
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Warning. File already exists. Filename is incremented
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib300K_Trot300K_3.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib300K_Trot300K_3.spec
0.05s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!

(1s)    33.3%   No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 1150.0 K
   Trot                 1150.0 K
   Tvib                 1150.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        0.0
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib1150K_Trot1150K.spec (0.0Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib1150K_Trot1150K.spec
0.05s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 1150.0 K
   Trot                 1150.0 K
   Tvib                 1150.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        0.5
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Warning. File already exists. Filename is incremented
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib1150K_Trot1150K_1.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib1150K_Trot1150K_1.spec
0.06s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 1150.0 K
   Trot                 1150.0 K
   Tvib                 1150.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        1.0
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Warning. File already exists. Filename is incremented
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib1150K_Trot1150K_2.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib1150K_Trot1150K_2.spec
0.06s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!

(1s)    66.7%   No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 2000.0 K
   Trot                 2000.0 K
   Tvib                 2000.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        0.0
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib2000K_Trot2000K.spec (0.0Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib2000K_Trot2000K.spec
0.05s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 2000.0 K
   Trot                 2000.0 K
   Tvib                 2000.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        0.5
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Warning. File already exists. Filename is incremented
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib2000K_Trot2000K_1.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib2000K_Trot2000K_1.spec
0.06s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!
No spectrum found in database that matched given conditions.
Calculating Equilibrium Spectrum
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 2000.0 K
   Trot                 2000.0 K
   Tvib                 2000.0 K
   isotope              1,2
   mole_fraction        1.0
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.02 cm
   pressure_mbar        1013.25 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2380.3033 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   Tref                 296 K
   add_at_used          numpy
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               1e-25 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitran
   dbpath               /home/docs/checkouts/
   dlm_log_pG           0.1375350788016573
   dlm_log_pL           0.20180288881201608
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   hdf5_engine          pytables
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   levelsfmt            radis
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parfuncpath          None
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   wavenum_max_calc     2400.3058 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2380.3033 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.01 cm-1
   zero_padding         2002
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   total_lines          327
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
Warning. File already exists. Filename is incremented
Spectrum stored in HITRAN_CO2_test_spec_database/20211002_Tvib2000K_Trot2000K_2.spec (0.1Mb)
loaded 20211002_Tvib2000K_Trot2000K_2.spec
0.06s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum found in database!
Spectrum found in database!

(2s)    100.0%
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: This figure includes Axes that are not compatible with tight_layout, so results might be incorrect.

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 11.547 seconds)

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